New Tampa Pet Resort
Our trained and certified groomers are here to give your pet the perfect look. They work tirelessly with you to make sure that your furry little friend leaves feeling like a brand new pet!

*Grooming prices are based on your pets breed, size and the condition of their coat. Contact us directly for pricing call: 813-949-NTPR (6877)
Building A Relationship
Our groomers are trained and certified to give your pet the perfect cut. We want you to build and develop a relationship with your groomer. That way you guys can form a plan and work together to give your pet exactly what you are looking for. Once you and your groomer have decided on something that works, you will have continuity for each proceeding appointment. Just drop your pet off with your specific groomer and they will know exactly what to do.
All Natural Bathing Products
Health and safety is our number one concern. Because of this, we only use natural products for your pets. Formulated for professional groomers, our PH balanced products are sure to give your pet's coat with a beautiful shine.
Appointments and Packages
We schedule appointments for efficiency purposes and to make sure that your pet is never waiting for too long after they are done. On top of that we have a number of spa packages to combine our services in an affordable bundle. Contact our grooming department for specifics and prices of these packages. 813-949-NTPR (6877)
New Tampa Pet Resort Pet Points Rewards
Loyalty Deserves To Be Rewarded. Loyal pets—and loyal pet parents—are entitled to all the appreciation in the world. And we’re delighted to reward your repeated visits to us with a program that recognizes your support. Every dollar you spend earns a reward point. And every 250 points you collect earns a $5 credit on your next stay. Entry into the rewards program is automatic.